WCTC Redevelopment - Total shutdown During Works               Posted 05 Sept  2021

In spite of the strict regulations for the current VicGov COVID lockdown, work has progressed reasonably well at the club. In fact, things have now progressed to the point where the contractors are about to start on Ground 2.

As the reader may recall, the work schedule originally called for Grounds 1 and 3 to be done while Ground 2 was left open for us to run practice sessions. We were advised by the project manager that there would be a transitional period overlapping the end of the initial construction stage and the commencement of the Ground 2 works, during which no shooting of any sort would be possible for 3~4 weeks.

Well, the contractor has decided to take advantage of the current COVID lockdown to bring forward the work on Ground 2. It is hoped that the work currently underway on Ground 3 will be finished by the end of September. This means that, given the fact that the current COVID lockdown is expected to last until pretty well the last week of September, the so-called transitional period period during which no shooting is allowed may, if anything, be slightly reduced. The club hopes to be holding practice sessions again in October.

All of the above information has been given to the club and relayed to the reader in good faith. No-one, except perhaps Nostradamus, can predict what form any relaxing of VicGov COVID regulations will look like. Community sport may continue to be restricted, even after the more general travel and activity rules are eased. Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.

Funding Approved                                                                         Posted 28 August  2021

Our Vice president, Brian Reid, is, as we all know, quite a dab hand at sniffing out funding for the club. Well, he's done it again. Thanks to Brian's efforts, the club's application for funding under the Victorian Government’s Shooting Sports Facilities Programme has been approved.

The grant money will be used to purchase new traps for the Universal Trench and the Universal Skeet facilities that are currently under construction at the club. Anyone who has ever made an application for a government grant will tell you that there is a lot of work involved. Luckily for our club, we have people like Brian who are prepared to make time for such tasks.  

Annual General Meeting (and a Birthday Party on the Same Day)          Posted 01 Aug 2021                          

COVID-19 has certainly turned the world upside down. As you probably already know, the AGM held in April was actually the one that should have been held in 2020. COVID lockdowns thwarted three attempts at holding that one and almost stopped this one, too. Thankfully, we got our actual 2021 AGM completed on schedule, on Saturday the 31st of July.


Prior to the meeting, Marcus Goonan, Director of Infrastructure Services at the Rural City of Wangaratta, was good enough to come to the club to provide the members with an update of the major redevelopment works currently in progress. 


The AGM was reasonably well attended, but it would always be nice to see more members turn up. The president, Anton Motha, opened the meeting before handing over to Anita Klima for her typically well detailed financial report. Anton then gave a brief overview of the schedule and sequence of the construction works in progress and thanked the current committee before stepping aside to allow Phil Smith, one of the club's trustees, to announce the president's position vacant and to call for nominations.


Anton Motha was nominated, as was Angelo Grassi. Angelo graciously declined the nomination, saying that he felt it important that there be continuity in the club's executive positions during the current period of redevelopment work.


Anton resumed his seat at the big table and called for nominations for the remaining Officer of the Association positions. The incumbents were nominated and reinstated unopposed. Nominations for ordinary members of the committee followed and, there being fewer than the limit of ten, all were appointed. See below for details on the new committee. 


There is not room here to go into the minute details of the meeting; however, just as proceedings came to an end, Rob Steel suggested that the meeting should acknowledge the incredible service given to the club by Ernie Williams. Rob's comments provided an excellent segue into a surprise (to Ernie at least) birthday celebration, including a huge chocolate birthday cake, which Ernie cut while the members gave a rousing rendition of happy birthday, sung in a variety of different keys, none of them being the right one. Ernie was also presented with a potted tree which will be planted in his honour on one of the shooting grounds when the construction work is completed.


The club's committee now consists of:


Officers of the Association:

President: Anton Motha

V. President: Brian Reid

Secretary: Linda Motha

Treasurer: Anita Klima


General Committee: (* indicates newly elected)

Ian Auranaune *

Russell Barnes

Graham Coyle

Col Crittenden

Angelo Grassi 

Alison Harwood

Mark McDonald 

Phil Smith  

Peter Sunderland

WCTC Redevelopment - Tangible Progress at Last!                       Posted 29 July 2021

Finally, some soil has been turned and the team from Enviropacific, and their sub-contractors, are getting stuck into the Wangaratta Clay Target Club's redevelopment. Members of the club's committee met the RCOW project manager and Enviropacific's onsite works manager on Tuesday to finalise a few points and by crikey, the boys are already right into it. 

Ernie Williams - Club Legend Scores a Century                             Posted 24 July 2021

Club Legend, Club Stalwart, Club Fixture, you name it, he is it. Ernie Williams turned 100 today. Quite an achievement, considering the perils and horrors that the last 100 years have thrown at the inhabitants of our little planet. 

Ernie continues to dedicate a great deal of his time and energy to the club and is always on hand to run the practice book, deal with all sorts of enquiries and give advice on matters from gunsmithing to club memberships. Ernie sets a fine example of how to get the most out of one's life.  

Congratulations and best wishes, Ernie. See you at the club.

WCTC Redevelopment - Finally a Start Date                               Posted 21 July 2021

WCTC has just received great news. The Rural City of Wangaratta, project manager for the club's major redevelopment works, has advised that work will finally commence on Monday the 26th of July. The Contractor, Enviropacific, will be working to complete Grounds 1 and 3 first, before moving on to Ground 2. This work schedule will obviously affect our practice sessions; however, the club is determined to continue some form of practice on Wednesdays and Saturdays. More details about practice will be promulgated as soon as they are available.

The contractor hopes to have all work completed by the end of September, but allowance must be made for the possibility of further COVID-19 related delays.

Confirmation of commencement date for the major works and the appointment of the environmental auditor mentioned below both bode well for the club's future. Finally, some light at the end of what has been a very long tunnel.

WCTC Redevelopment - New Environmental Auditor                    Posted 21 July 2021

The Wangaratta Clay Target Club was issued with a Pollution Abatement Notice by the EPA way back in 2016 as a result of lead contamination in the neighbouring sports reserve, resulting in the club being shut down for a long period. Since that time, the club has, with our tireless Vice President Brian Reid at the helm, been navigating through what seems like innumerable steps on the road to final approval of our EPA Clean Up Plan.

An integral part of that process is the environmental auditor, an independent specialist who is responsible for approving the club’s actions in relation to notices and plans issued by the EPA and environmental consultants. The current auditor’s tenure will expire on the 27th of July and the Rural City of Wangaratta has appointed, from that date, a new environmental auditor to conduct the operations necessary to meet requirements set out in the EPA Clean Up Notice for our premises. The WCTC looks forward to working with the new auditor and bringing this episode to a satisfactory conclusion. 

Funding Our Future                                                                            Posted 16 July 2021

The Wangaratta Clay Target Club has taken another step into the future with the approval of our application for funding under the Victorian Government’s Shooting Sports Facilities Programme. The State Government made $4 million available for “…projects that improve the quality and sustainability of shooting sports facilities and activities across Victoria.” This follows more than $13 million allocated in previous rounds of the programme for shooting clubs.

Our grant money will be used to purchase new traps for the Universal Trench and the Universal Skeet facilities that are to be constructed as part of the major redevelopment works that are pending. The addition of these two FITASC disciplines to the existing DTL and Sporting Clays facilities will provide four options for shooters to enjoy their sport at our club.

As always, we have to thank Brian Reid for the countless hours of work he put into the application process. Give him a COVID-Safe pat on the back next time you see him. More than two dozen Victorian shooting clubs, including a few in our part of the state, also had applications approved. In amongst all the negative press that our hobby / pastime / obsession seems to attract, it is nice to see that the government recognises the legitimacy and the social benefits of shooting sports.  

WCTC Redevelopment - RCOW Meeting                                          Posted 11 July 2021

The Rural City of Wangaratta is the project manager for the Wangaratta Clay Target club's major redevelopment works. On Wednesday the 30th of June, the club's representatives sat down with the RCOW project manager to finalise details for the Universal Trench and Universal Skeet layouts. It is critical that the dimensions and positioning of the infrastructure for all of the shooting disciplines are spot on, so as to comply with both ACTA and FITASC regulations. 

We are slowly inching towards the work commencing and all parties are keen to get things moving. Unfortunately, neither the project managers or the contractors are able to give any definite details of actual dates at this stage. It is important to remember that the EPA plays a big part in our redevelopment. The project managers and the contractor both need to ensure compliance with all EPA requirements and this is also adding to the delays in getting the work underway.

The moment the WCTC committee has specific details, that information will be passed on to the members. 

WCTC Redevelopment                                                                      Posted 09 June 2021

From the outside, it appears that not much is happening at the club; however, like the proverbial duck, there are quite a few legs thundering away under the surface. It is critical that the specifications and dimensions for the various layouts are spot on, so a lot of hours are being put in by the WCTC committee's working group and the RCOW project managers. Members of the working group had a meeting with Rural City of Wangaratta representatives yesterday and clarified a few sticking points. 

Obviously, the uncertainty of the recent COVID-19 restrictions has had a negative impact on the work, but the RCOW project manager is hopeful that tangible progress will be seen in the next couple of weeks.  

Practice Sessions Up and Running Again (Again?)                          Posted 08 June 2021

How many AGAINS do I need to put in that headline? Just when the new Saturdays only practice schedule was getting rolling and shooters were becoming used to it, the plug was pulled with another snap COVID lockdown. It's hard to keep up with the situation sometimes, but, compared to most other parts of the world, we're doing OK here in Oz. After a week cooped up at home, it was good to be out and about again. 

Mark Connell, Allan Seccull, Brodie Seccull, Marty Seymour and Paul Weygood (AKA The Cobram Crew) made the most of their freedom and came across to Wang for some practice. These blokes are, of course, all familiar faces at our club, but it's always great to see out-of-towners here enjoying the club's facilities. Katrina Weygood brought young Hunter Connell along for the day, too. He's only a wee little bloke at the moment and a few years off yet, but he must be itching to have a shot with the big boys. 

Annual General Meeting Finally Held                                                                  Posted 26 April 2021


We finally got to hold or AGM on Saturday the 24th of April, after two previous attempts were thwarted by COVID-19 lockdowns. The meeting was preceded by a free lunch (Yes, there really is such a thing) which gave those present the opportunity to view the plans for the major rehabilitation works which will commence soon.


When the meeting got underway, our president Anton Motha thanked the committee and volunteers for their efforts' in keeping the club functioning under difficult circumstances over the past 12 months. 


After the usual formalities, such as the treasurer's report and the reading of the previous AGMs minutes, all committee positions were declared vacant and Phil Smith took the floor to call for nominations for the position of president. Anton Motha was nominated and, there being no other nominations, he resumed his seat. Nominations for the other positions  of officers of the club saw the previous incumbents reinstated unopposed. Six members of the previous committee were reinstated unopposed and four new members were nominated. Some of those so-called new members are actually previous committee members and bring valuable skills and experience with them. 


The meeting saw healthy discussion on a variety of topics. The discussions were all conducted in good spirit and the productive air of the meeting, combined with continuity in the executive group and a newly bolstered general committee, bodes well for the challenging period that lies ahead for our club as we begin the major ground works.


The club's committee now consists of:


Officers of the Club:

President: Anton Motha

V. President: Brian Reid

Secretary: Linda Motha

Treasurer: Anita Klima


General Committee: (* indicates newly elected)

Russell Barnes *

Graham Coyle

Col Crittenden

Craig Davey *

Angelo Grassi *

Alison Harwood

Mark McDonald *

Phil Smith  

Peter Sunderland

Keith Willett


WCTC Redevelopment                                                                          Posted 19 April 2021

Members of the club's committee had an on-site meeting today with representatives of Enviropacific and the Rural City of Wangaratta (RCOW) to go over details of the redevelopment works, which are due to start next week.

ENVIROPACIFIC (See 31 March article below) has been contracted by the RCOW to redevelop all three shooting grounds and to also carry out major drainage works on the club's premises and along the Detour Road. The works are expected to be completed by September 2021.

Club members will have a chance to hear details of the redevelopment at this weekend's Annual General Meeting, which will be held at the clubrooms on Saturday the 24th of April. 

Attwood-Law Skeet a Big Hit With Shooters                                                   Posted 06 April 2021 

Mansfield Clay Target Club hosted the annual Attwood-Law Skeet Cup last Sunday, the 4th of April. Let's hope that the Easter Bunny got an early start to make sure he/she was well clear of the grounds before the 28 nominated shooters arrived.


The Attwood-Law Cup was traditionally hosted by the Wangaratta Clay Target Club, but a Pollution Abatement Notice issued by the EPA in 2016 has seen the event hosted by other clubs in recent years. This year, it was the Mansfield Clay Target Club that stepped up to run the prestigious event. Good on you, Mansfield. Good on you Mark McDonald, too, for generously sponsoring the event's prizes.


Colin Finn became the 2021 Attwood-Law Skeet Cup winner with 51/52 after a shoot-off with A Grader Royce Wojtowyez, who finished with 50/52. 

AA Grade went to the Wangaratta club's Mark McDonald on 45/50.

Royce Wojtowyez's excellent 49/50 in the main rounds gave him the A Grade win over Brian Reid, the Wang club's hard-working Vice Pres, on 48/50.

In B Grade, Peter Finn, father of overall winner Colin, took 1st with 48/50. Warren Fish was 2nd on 47/54 after a shoot-off with Alan Kidd.

C Grade needed a shoot-off to decide 1st place, with Phil Wojtowyez, Royce's dad, taking the silverware on 44/5 from John Winters on 43/51.   

High Guns were, Overall, Colin Finn 51/52; Veterans, Brian Reid 48/50; Ladies, Lesley Wojtowyez 41/50; Juniors, Lachy McDonald 41/50.  


New Practice Prices                                                                   Posted 31 March 2021


The club has unfortunately found it necessary to raise the prices for practice sessions. From Saturday the 3rd of April 2021, Sporting Clays and DTL practice prices will go up to $10 for adults and $5 for juniors. The price for ammunition sold at the club will also go up from the above date, the price will be $12 per box. 


We hope that shooters and visitors will understand the need for this decision. The revenue the club receives from practice sessions obviously goes towards the upkeep of the equipment, but there are many other costs incurred in keeping the club open. For example, the cost of clays and their transport have increased significantly and our insurance premiums have climbed by almost 80% since last year.  


Contractor Chosen for WCTC Redevelopment                        Posted 30 March 2021

At the Rural City of Wangaratta's (RCOW) Council meeting held on Tuesday 23 March 2021, the Wangaratta Clay Target Club (WCTC) remediation works were formally approved. After a public tendering process, the RCOW Council Infrastructure Services team’s recommended contractor, ENVIROPACIFIC, was selected to carry out the remediation works.

It's expected that, weather permitting, the remediation works will commence in late April 2021 and are expected to be completed within 12 to 16 weeks. This period may have to be extended if any unforeseen circumstances develop.

The RCOW will act as Project Managers and will liaise with a group of selected WCTC committee members during the works to ensure a mutually satisfactory outcome. This WCTC group will report back to the full committee regularly. Additionally, Golder's Environmental Consultancy, Senversa Environmental Auditors and the EPA will also be involved in the project. 

WCTC members are encouraged to keep an eye on the club’s website and Facebook page for updates as the works progress. It is hoped that we will be able to maintain some level of practice shooting activities during some periods of the construction work, but this will need to be negotiated with the contractors. Information on practice sessions will also be promulgated via the club’s website and Facebook page.

 An exciting time lies ahead for the club and its members, ensuring the long term future of our operations and making multi discipline activities available to all members and visitors.


FITASC Sporting Clays Grand Prix in South Aus                        Posted 29 March 2021                  

The 2021 FITASC Grand Prix was held at Rocky Gully Sporting Clays in South Australia on the 27th and 28th of March. In spite of the numerous COVID-related problems we've all experienced over the last 12 months, shooters are obviously still keen and the event attracted 177 competitors.

Intense competition throughout the two day contest saw the Scratch class go into a four way shoot-off. Wangaratta SCA member Adam Shale shot two possible from his eight rounds and went into that shoot-off tied for third place with Jeremy Kent on 192/200.

Adam shot clean rounds on first two stands of the shoot-off, but, unfortunately, so did Jeremy Kent. Adam then dropped a target on his third round and, in spite of regrouping to clear his final round, that one target gap remained and Jeremy Kent took the final step on the podium with a final score of 192 + 25. Chris Brown took the overall win on 195 + 25 from Blake Nankervis on 195 + 24. 

Adam was no doubt disappointed in missing third place, but he has once again proved what an excellent shooter he is. Congratulations on a great performance, Adam.


AGM on 24 April 2021                                                   Posted 29 March 2021


The Wangaratta Clay Target Club's Annual General Meeting will be held at the clubrooms on Detour Road, Wangaratta on Saturday the 24th of April, 2021. There will be a free BBQ lunch at 1200 and the AGM will commence at 1300 sharp.


State Government COVID-19 regulations and sudden lockdowns have, to say the least,  made it difficult to convene this meeting. We ask that members do their best to attend the meeting and have a say in the election of office bearers.


The AGM will provide an opportunity for members to get the latest information on the major redevelopment works about to start at the club. 


Attwood-Law Cup Sunday 4th of April in Mansfield                Posted 28 March 2021


The Attwood-Law Skeet Cup will be held next weekend in Mansfield. The action kicks off at 1030 on Sunday the 4th of April. The prestigious Attwood-Law Cup was hosted by the Wangaratta Clay Target Club for many years up until 2016, when a Pollution Abatement Notice issued by the EPA put a stop to skeet shooting in Wangaratta. Nevertheless, the fine tradition of the Attwood-Law Cup continues, thanks to the good folk at the Mansfield Clay Target Club. Why not go along and try your skills against the best skeet shooters from around the country? Maybe even just go along for the sake of a great day out watching talented people enjoying their sport.


The Wang Clay Target Club is undergoing major redevelopment works this year and plans on introducing Universal Skeet in due course. This new skeet discipline may provide the club with the opportunity to once again run the Attwood-Law Cup in the future.


AGM Cancelled                                                            Posted 12 February 2021


The Wangaratta Clay Target Club's Annual General Meeting scheduled for Saturday the 13th of February has been cancelled, due to the State Government's COVID-19 lockdown. The VicGov rules state that no public gatherings are permitted until further notice.


The lockdown was announced at approximately 1300 today, so we hope all those affected by the AGM cancellation will understand that the club has done its best to get the message out.


Please keep an eye on this website and the club's Facebook page for further news on the AGM.


All Competitions Cancelled Until Further Notice                  Posted 20 January 2021


The club is set to commence major redevelopment works. The Rural City of Wangaratta is overseeing the work and tenders have been called. There is likely to be significant disruption to our schedule in the immediate future, so all competitions are cancelled until further notice. It would be unfair on competitors and club volunteers to programme events that may need to be cancelled at short notice, due to construction work.

Details of the redevelopment will be available at the AGM to be held at the club on Saturday the 13th of February.


Annual General Meeting                                                                       Posted 10 January 2021


The VicGov COVID-19 regulations have finally eased to the point where we can finally hold our AGM. The meeting will be held at the clubrooms on Saturday the 13th of February. There will be a free BBQ lunch at 1200 and the actual meeting will commence at 1300.

Please come along to the meeting and find out what the future holds for the club. Perhaps you might even consider putting up your hand to be a part of the running of the club. 


Club Redevelopment Progress at Last                                   Posted 10 January 2021


The club has been working long and hard over recent years to get our three grounds fully functional and back to the level of operation we had prior to the EPA lead contamination shutdown in 2016.


The committee has been working closely with The Rural City of Wangaratta (RCOW) over a ng period of time with a great deal planning and negotiating get the job under way. We are now finally seeing real progress. The RCOW and the club have finalised the Tender Specification for the works and the RCOW expects that tender to be advertised on the council’s website by the middle of January, 2021. 


For more details on the actual work to be done, please see that most recent club newsletter. Click on NEWSLETTER in the black box near the top right corner of this page.

Wangaratta Clay Target Club inc.

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Practice Sessions 



1330 ~ 1730




1330 ~ 1730






Click on Calendar of Events tab above for more details about our upcoming shoots. 


EFTPOS is now available for the payment of nomination fees at competitions. Practice days & the canteen will remain cash only.