News (Click Newsletters tab on the right to download our bimonthly newsletters)
Annual General Meeting Posted 12 October 2020
The committee has been trying to work out how we can hold our Annual General Meeting, which was due in July. Due to COVID-19, Government regulations mean that AGMs are considered as social gatherings and are very strictly controlled. A maximum of only ten attendees would be permitted under the current regulations, so the club obtained a time extension. We are currently waiting in the hope of an easing of the restrictions that would allow for higher numbers being able to attend the AGM.
EPA Update Posted 14 September 2020
The lead contamination saga has been a dark cloud over the club for quite a long time, but, thanks to tireless efforts of Brian Reid, our Vice president, there appears to be some light at the end of the tunnel.
The club has received advice from the Rural City of Wangaratta that the Clean Up Plan (CUP) is progressing well and is now with the EPA for the final stages of their approval. This process may take several weeks. An auditor approved Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is expected about one month after the EPA has approved the CUP.
The EMP is a vitally important document which will clearly set out the Wang Clay Target Club’s responsibilities for the future operation of the premises in an environmentally satisfactory manner.
Legal Action by Beechworth Lawn Tennis Club - Posted 01 September 2020
The Wangaratta Clay Target Club has been named as a respondent in legal action initiated by the Beechworth Lawn Tennis Club (BLTC) relating the toilet grant we received last year. Quoting from the website of the BLTC’s representatives, Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, the BLTC seeks to, “… challenge the decision to give a grant to the Wangaratta Clay Target Club…”
The actual hearing in the Federal Court is scheduled to commence in late November 2020. The applicant (BLTC) and the three respondents to the action will be represented by their respective legal counsel independent of each other.
Further updates will to be issued as matters develop.
Working Bee to Tidy Up After COVID-19 Shutdown - Posted 20 June 2020
A small band of volunteers turned up for the working bee on Saturday the 20th of June, 2020. The club facilities hasn't seen much use over the past few months, due to government restrictions, so the rooms and grounds needed a bit of elbow grease.
Thanks to the team, A~Z: Russell Barnes, Col Crittenden, Pippa Crittenden, Joelle Everingham, Anita Klima, Harry Memery, Riley Long, Anton Motha, Linda Motha & Brian Reid.
Anita, Joelle and Harry took charge of the clubroom windows and did a sterling job. Linda must have drawn the short straw, as she ended up cleaning the toilets. Russell rewired a couple of the Sporting Clays traps. Anton and Riley worked on the shipping container, fixing the lattice, etc.. Col and Brian braved the rain and attached warning signs on the boundary fences. Brian later supervised Col as he tackled the kitchen blinds. The old ones were thrown out and the new ones installed. Let's hope that isn't a metaphor for the club in general; old coots can still be useful.
As often happens, it was the usual core of volunteers who fronted up to support the club. It would be good to get more of the general members involved in working bees, so please keep your eyes out for notices of future events.
Vale Ian Reith - Posted 10 June 2020
Click on the picture to enlarge & see caption.
Ian Reith passed away last week. He joined the club in 1947 and was a renowned shot in his day. Even after his ability to participate waned, he was still a regular visitor. Ian was well respected at the club and seemed to enjoy nothing better than to sit around with the boys (old coots!) spinning yarns. Ian's stories would often come with a wicked twinkle in his eye. A more detailed piece on Ian's long association with our club is being prepared for future publication.
Reopening for Practice
Wangaratta Clay Target Club will be resuming practice from Saturday the 6th of June. From that date, we will continue to open on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The opening hours will be from 1:30pm to 4:30pm, allowing a maximum of 20 shooters on the premises at any given time. Only shooters will be allowed on the club premises, so we ask spectators to stay at home. We also ask that shooters visit to shoot, then leave promptly once they have completed their practice rounds to allow space for more shooters and ensure the safety of everyone.
All government enforced COVID-19 protocols will be followed at the grounds and anyone that chooses to disregard these rules will be asked to leave the premises. A COVID-19 questionnaire will be presented to visitors upon arrival, outlining the club’s expectations, which must be signed before entering the grounds.
We believe that everyone will understand that the club is doing what is necessary to get back to shooting clays. Thank you for your cooperation.
Further Easing of Restrictions
As of Monday the 1st of June, 2020, the Victorian Governemnet will further ease restrictions on public gatherings and sporting clubs. The Wang Clay Target Club committee will meet as soon as possible to discuss the new, eased restrictions and see how we can use them to get the club back up and shooting.
It will undoubtedly be necessary to make changes to the way we operate, so that we can meet our obligation to comply with government guidlines and with the guidlines laid down by the controlling bodies under which we operate, the ACTA and Sporting Clays Australia. Things cannot go back to what they were before this situation.
Competitions are still a long way off, but we are determined to get practice sessions under way as soon as our legal obligations can be met.
Easing of Restrictions
As of midnight Tuesday the 12th of May, the Victorian government has eased some restrictions on sporting and recreational activities. This does not mean that our club can reopen straight away. Before we can restart shooting of any sort, we have to submit numerous documents to regulatory bodies. Even when that is done, we will only be allowed to practice. There can be no competitions for the time being.
Temporary Closure
As of Monday the 23rd of March 2020, the Wangaratta Clay Target Club is temporarily closed, in line with State and Federal Government guidlines. All shooting activities are suspended until further notice.
21 March 2020 - DTL Competion Cancelled
The DTL competition scheduled for Saturday the 21st of March 2020 has been cancelled. Please keep an eye on this website and our Facebook page for updates on other events.
Practice sessions at WCTC will continue as per the usual scheduled days and times.
26 April 2020 - Attwood-Law Cup Cancelled
The Attwood-Law Skeet Cup, previously a WCTC event, scheduled for Sunday 26 April 2020 in Albury has been cancelled by that club.
Canteen Under New Management - Posted 18 November 2019
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Anita Klima is standing down as the canteen manager, due to her work commitments. Luckily for us, she has found a replacement. Allan Collins took over the job, starting at the November DTL competition. He and his offsider Rob were thrown in the deep end, with the biggest crowd we've seen at a DTL competition for years.
Alan has experience in the catering industry, currently running the canteen at Bruck. He says that he is looking forward to getting to know the shooters and learning about the club’s activities.
Anita certainly set the bar high for Alan, especially with her bacon & egg rolls. going by the steady stream of customers at the canteen, Alan's off to a good start..
Schoolkids Coaching & Competition - Posted 15 October 2019
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Committeeman Keith Willett recently reinvigorated the club's involvement with schoolkids coaching and competitions. He arranged for a group of eight juniors to attend the club on Saturday the 12th of October for some coaching and an informal competition. It was great to see so many youngsters at the club. Ernie Williams, ever watchful from his command post in the clubrooms, was particularly impressed by not only the shooting, but also the way the kids conducted themselves.
Keith Willett, a schoolteacher by trade, is following in the footsteps of another local schoolteacher, Chas Whitla, who, in the early 1960s started instructing gun safety at the Wang Tech School and went on to run regular schoolboy competitions at our club.
In more recent times, Bruce Henshall ran Saturday morning schoolboy comps and occasionally had as many as 20 attendees. Let's hope that Keith Willett's efforts continue and that we continue to see regular junior activities at the club.
Gateway Health Neuro Support Group Visit - Posted 10 September 2019
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The club's Vice President Brian Reid, a great advocate of community involvement, recently arranged with Lynn Williams from Gateway Health for a group to come to the club on Monday the 9th of September to try clay target shooting. The attendees, members of Gateway Health’s Neuro Support Group, enjoyed the experience and most managed to break some clays. Club members Col Crittenden, Bruce Henshall, Jacob Motha and Brian Reid were on hand to support the group and provided firearms and coaching. Some of the visitors were in wheelchairs, so it was very nice to have the new universal access toilet block available for their use. Lynn Williams has brought groups to the club previously & sees value in the relationship continuing. We couldn’t agree more.
Bob Foster on the Mend - Posted 30 August 2019
Our clubmate Bob Foster had an accident while traveling in NSW a couple of weeks back. He was hospitalised in Sydney, before being transferred to Melbourne. The club president, Anton Motha, spoke to Bob on the telephone a few days ago and reports that Bob is receiveing the best possible treatment and is in high spirits, given the circumstances. Bob assured Anton that he'll " back shooting within a couple of months." I'm sure we are all looking forward to seeing Bob back on deck and smashing clays.
Centenary Celebrations - Wang Clay Target Club Turns 100 Years Old
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Huge Turnout for 100th Anniversary Shoot.
This summary of Brian Reid's Wang Chronicle article is a general rundown on the Centenary celebrations.
For the competition results, go to the RESULTS tab on this website.
The Wangaratta Clay Target Club committee and volunteers were hard at work from early in the morning on Saturday 15th June, preparing for the club’s 100th Anniversary Shoot. This article will cover the general news from the big day. For competition results, go to the RESULTS tab on this website.
With a significant milestone event like the clubs 100th anniversary, it can prove difficult to calculate the expected number of attendees. The number of visiting shooters and non-shooters alike, many having travelled long distances to attend, far exceeded the club’s expectations. Nevertheless, the club did it’s best to accommodate the 81 participants and everyone was full of praise for the presentation of the grounds and the flawless operation of new equipment.
The club has recently added a brand new universal access toilet facility and complete renovated the canteen and kitchen, including new cupboards and modern electrical equipment. These significant projects were generously funded by the Federal Government and the Victorian State Government respectively.
On completion of Event 1, the 25 Target Handicap, club president Anton Motha called for a short stop to proceedings to conduct some brief formalities recognising the clubs 100 year history and its involvement in the local sporting scene. Local and State level politicians were present and spoke about the club’s achievements, especially the positive response to the EPA investigations the club has faced over the last three years. The club’s social significance to Wangaratta and North East Victoria was also recognised.
Many thanks to Anita and Joelle for the energy they put into running the canteen, providing approximately 100 meals during the day. Club secretary Linda Motha and her son Jacob did a fine job in the office, processing the large number of nominations and sorting out competitors handicaps, etc. Club President Anton Motha and hard working committee member Col Crittenden did a top job making sure the day ran smoothly.
Stephen Tamme was in charge of the sporting clay ground and was kept under the pump until relatively late in the day. Bob Pigram and Bruce Henshall once again put in the hard hours to have the club rooms and grounds all looking spectacular. Thanks also to numerous others who assisted during the day. Volunteers are the life blood of all non-profit clubs and we could not exist without their dedication, time and skills.
The club was excited to give their two brand new Laporte Twin Lap target throwers their first real test, resulting in a flawless performance throughout the day. The Laporte traps are considered to be state of the art equipment and will provide many years of reliable, consistent performance and regulation type targets well into the future.
The President, committee and members wish to thank the sponsors, Raytrade, Laporte, Spartan Global and Wangaratta Kebabs, for their generosity and support, which contributed to the success of the Wangaratta Clay Target Club’s 100th anniversary event.
New Toilets Installed - Posted 27 May 2019
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The new toilet block was delivered today, Monday the 27th of may, and what a beauty it is. Plumbing and final fitting will be done tomorrow and the toilets will be ready for use.
Working Bee to Install New Trap and Traphouse - Posted 26 May 2019
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The team has been busy again. Work started bright and early on Sunday the 26th of May. The first task was to remove the loan trap and the traphouse on Ground no.3 in preparation for the structural work needed to bring it up to ACTA specifications. Next, over to Ground no.2 and the club's shiny new Laporte Twinlap trap was put in position, ready for fixing to the floor and the associated concreting work. The new rear-opening traphouse was then put in position and fixed to the new pit walls.
No DTL for Two Weeks - Posted 22 May 2019
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Our Down the Line facilities will be out of action from Thursday the 23rd of May 2019 until around the 4th of June 2019. The two new Laporte traps have been delivered and they'll be installed over the next couple of weeks. The DTL grounds will be unavailable for the duration of the installation, but the end result will be state of the art traps that are properly set up and calibrated to ACTA specifications..
Working Bee to Dismantle the Old Kitchen - Posted 18 March 2019
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A disappointingly small group of volunteers turned out out on Sunday the 17th of March to dismantle the clubroom kitchen in preparation for the installation of the new one. Luckily, those that did turn up were up to the task. Steve Tammie is no stranger to hard work and he was into it the moment he arrived. He brought along his extra big trailer, too, and took away all the debris at the end of the day, saving the club a stack of money on waste disposal.
Thanks to Graham Coyle, Col Crittenden, Anita Klima, Anton, Linda & Jacob Motha, Bob Pigram, Peter & Alistair Sunderland and Steve Tammie for giving up their Sunday sleep-in for the benefit of the club. Oh, and thanks to Pippa Crittenden and Peggy Motha for providing the entertainment.
Keep your ears and eyes open for future working bees. It would be good to get more of our club's members involved and to take some of the pressure off those who are always there.
Laporte Reps Visit Our Club - Posted 15 February 2019
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We were very fortunate to have Graham Browne, company ambassador for Laporte Traps, drop in to chat with our technical crew on Wednesday the 13th of February. Graham was visiting Australia from the UK and came to Wangaratta with Bronzewing's Anna Shedrina. He spent a lot of time with Anton & Jacob Motha and Col Crittenden, sharing his knowledge of the club’s impressive Laporte Twinlap trap.
Anton was obviously inspired by Graham's visit, as he spent most of the following Friday welding up a frame to further enhance the Laporte trap's mounting rigidity.
Female Participation Initiative - Posted 12 February 2019
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The female participation initiative being run by the club in partnership with Sport North East (see 25 January post below) is off to a flying start. At the 12 February session, all three participants were busting clays in no time.
Samantha Watson had fired a rifle in the paddocks as a youngster, but it was her first time with a shotgun. You wouldn't know it to watch her, though. Steve Tamme's guidance saw Samantha regularly smashing the DTL targets. She even managed to break a few high loopers at the sporting clays layout.
Sabrina Hallam had been spotlighting with friends on the farm, but she was, to quote her own words, "...petrified to come out here today." Alison Harwood coached her through the procedures and it wasn't long before Sabrina was busting targets and telling the team that, "This is really good fun."
Carol Brimblecombe said it had been a long time since she used to shoot targets with a .22 in the paddocks with her husband. Like the other participants, Tuesday's session was her first time with a shotgun. Under Brett Jory's patient tuition, Carol was soon breaking the clays.
Thanks to Brian Reid for his work in coordinating the programme with Sports North East and to Graham Coyle for his behind the scenes work in setting up and maintaining the equipment.
The introductory sessions will be held at the Wangaratta Clay Target Club on Tuesdays from 5:30 ~ 7:00 pm and will run from 05 February until 12 March. See the 25 January post below for further details.
Working Bee in Response to EPA Notice - Posted 26 January 2019
Graham Coyle, Bernie Chivers, Brian Reid, Steve Tammie & Bruce Henshall emptying Coll C's ute load of litter.
The club received yet another blow last week in the form of an EPA directive to clean up wads that had been washed into the North Wang Recreation Reserve by the December storms. The EPA had received a complaint about the wads from a member of the public.
The EPA gave the club until Tuesday the 29th of January to respond to the latest notice, so yet another working bee was convened on Saturday the 26th of January. As most will be aware, we had a huge working bee on the 15th of December, but, obviously some wads had been missed at that time. What better way to celebrate Australia day than cleaning up our country?
Every man and his dog turned up. Well, actually 17 blokes, three ladies and two dogs turned up. We managed to pick up lots more wads and a lot of general litter, too. Next time you're at the club and you happen to see a wad, or a bit of a wad, on the ground, pick it up and chuck it in the bin.
Senator Bridget McKenzie Joins Wang Clay Target Club - Posted 25 Jan 2019
Senator Bridget McKenzie signing up as our newest member. She was very pleased to get a club hat, too.
Matt Motha forgot his manners and beat Senator McKenzie at DTL. Bad move, Matt, you might need a reference one day.
Senator Bridget McKenzie, the Federal Minster for Sport, visited our club on Friday the 25th of January, her second visit in recent months. Senator McKenzie is a keen shooter and she came to get an update on the various challenges facing our club. She met some of the committee members and Brian Reid gave her a detailed briefing on our EPA status. She was also brought up to date with damage caused by December's storms and the progress being made to replace ruined equipment.
Not many gun clubs can claim federal ministers amongst their membership, but the Wangaratta Clay Target Club now can. While here to talk to the committee, Bridget signed up to our club as a full fee paying member. She is moving her electorate office to our region and chose our club to show her support for the work we are doing to not only keep the club active, but to continually improve all aspects of our operations.
In spite of the blistering heat, Bridget was keen to have a shot, so she borrowed Brian's Beretta and challenged Matt Motha to a quick round of DTL. Matt is too young to understand the needs of politics and diplomacy, so he hit all his targets and beat the good senator. Let's hope she doesn't hold a grudge.
Female Participation Initiative - Posted 25 January 2019
Our club has teamed up with Sport North East to run introductory sessions for women and girls over 12 years of age to come and try clay target shooting. Sport North East is a not-for-profit organisation located in Wangaratta. It aims to connect local people of all abilities with sport and active recreation opportunities within their communities.
The introductory sessions will be held at the Wangaratta Clay Target Club on Tuesdays from 5:30 ~ 7:00 pm and will run from 05 February until 12 March.
Experienced club members will be on hand to supervise the participants. Guns, ammunition, targets and earplugs will be provided.
Participants must register for the sessions by completing an online form. To do so and to find out more details, visit Sport North East online at:
DTL is back & January DTL shoot to go ahead - Posted 14 January 2019
The two headed beast ensconced in its new home. It's a magnificent bit of kit and it's French. Très exotique!
An unbelievable effort by the club's technical crew (Anton, Col, Graham & Jacob) has seen a shiny new LAPORTE Twinlap trap installed on Ground No.3, so we now have DTL available for practice and competitions.
Our competition scheduled for Saturday the 19th of January will go ahead. It will be a 70 target DTL and there will be a free lunch to make up for the cancelled Christmas shoot. Come and try the new LAPORTE trap.
A huge thank you to Anna at Bronzewing for the loan of the trap and to John & Renee from Bronzewing for their expert help installing it.
Working Bee for Storm Damage - Posted 16 December 2018
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Yet another kick in the guts for our club. As if we didn't have enough to cope with, Hughie decided that he (she?) would indeed send it down. The storms of mid-December inundated our grounds and the clubrooms and destroyed most of our equipment and stores.
The DTL competition for Saturday the 14th was cancelled and a working bee called for that same day. A good turnout of about 35 arrived with barrows, rakes and determination to tackle the mammoth task of getting our club back on its feet.
The work will not end with the ground drying out. On the contrary, the real work will only then begin. There will be many hours required to compile insurance claims and organise replacement equipment, etc.
Limited Shooting, Due to Water Inundation - Updated 14 January 2019
The club is able to provide Sporting Clays practice and limited Down the Line practice. We intend going ahead with our Five Stand and DTL competitions, but all of our activities are limited to some extent by damage caused by the storms on the 13th of December.
The committee is working flat out to navigate through the insurance maze and to get the equipment up and running as soon as possible. Our latest newsletter contains some details, such that are available at the moment. Keep an eye on this website and our Facebook page for updates.
Sporting Clays Australia Affiliation - Posted 01 December 2018
The Wangaratta Clay Target Club has recently become affiliated with Sporting Clays Australia (SCA), a national not-for-profit organisation focused on promoting the sport to all levels of recreational shooters. This means that any licensed shooter can now use the Wangaratta Clay Target Club’s facilities for Five Stand Sporting Clays practice sessions. The new affiliation also means that the club’s monthly Five Stand Sporting Clay competitions are now open to members of the ACTA, SCA, SSAA & Field & Game Aust. For more information, please visit the Wangaratta Clay Target Club online at &, contact us at, or call club president Anton Motha on 0417278422.
EFTPOS Now Available for Nomination Fees - Posted 10 November 2018
Welcome to the 21st Century. We now have EFTPOS facilities available for the payment of nomination fees at competition days. Practice days will remain as cash only, as will the canteen. Thanks to Anita & Linda for the work that went into getting this hi-tec equipment up and running. These young people and their gadgets, hey?
Tammy Atkins Visited our Club to Show Support - Posted 07 November 2018
Thanks, Tammy, for your visit to the Club on Wednesday the 7th of November. We really appreciate your support.
Head over to Tammy’s Facebook page and see what Tammy has to say about The Ovens Valley in the upcoming Victorian election.
Tammy Atkins For Ovens Valley.
Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser - Posted 13 October 2018
The club conducted a sausage sizzle outside Aussie Disposals on Saturday the 13th of October. The event was organised by committee member Joelle. She, Anita and Debra worked hard throughout the day to keep the team of volunteer cooks in line. The crew sold over 130 sausages as well as some drinks. Our club did quite well out of the event, earning a couple of hundred dollars that will be put to good use for the benefit of our members.
Col & Matthew did a great job on the barby. Anton seems stunned to see Brian in charge of the BBQ.
Col is a renowned connoisseur of bangers! "Geez, we're gonna need more than 2 bangers, mate."
Hawthorn Scouts Try Clay Target Shooting - Posted 08 September 2018
A group of scouts from Hawthorn East visited the club on Saturday the 8th of September for their first experience at clay target shooting. The scouts were accompanied by three adult leaders and the whole troupe camped overnight at the Wangaratta scout hall in Park Lane.
Under the watchful eyes of some of our club members, the scouts and their leaders all had a go at Down the Line and Five Stand. Most of the kids managed to break a target or two and their enthusiastic feedback indicates that they’d like to have another go at it soon.
The happy campers being supervised by Peggy the pooch.
Raffle Drawn at Vine Hotel - 15 Aug 2018
Wangaratta Clay Target Club members and families gathered at the Vine Hotel for the draw of the club’s major fund raising raffle. The prize of a Wangaratta-built Lloyd’s trailer loaded with firewood went to local real estate man, Paul Reid. On receiving his prize a few days later, Paul said that the trailer will certainly be useful, but he has no fire at home, so the wood will be passed on to a good home.
Winners are grinners. Paul Reid with his trailer and wood.
Notice of Annual General Meeting - Posted June 2018
Annual General Meeting of the Wangaratta Clay Target Club Inc. will be held on Wednesday 18th July 2018 at 7:00pm. The venue will be at the club rooms, Detour Rd., North Wangaratta.
Election of Office Bearers and Committee will take place. Reports upon the transactions of the Association during the preceding financial year will be presented.
Please make a note of this important date as your attendance will be appreciated.
A number of current Office Bearers and Committee will be withdrawing.
The preceding year will be an important year in the clubs existence. With the ongoing environmental issues, new toilet complex / septic installation, kitchen upgrade to current health standards and hopefully installation of shot curtains to allow Skeet / use of ground 1 for DTL.
With all the regulation, governance and reporting required by the environmental cloud that shooting at the club is under. We need to change the culture in the club of the membership leaving all the work to a few on the committee.
The membership needs to be aware that we will never again be a normal CTC. The work required keeping this clubs doors open and operating is much greater than it was before the 2016 closure. So please come along to the AGM, because there is a real danger of People walking away from the club due to sheer exhaustion.
For more information, contact club secretary Mr Angelo Grassi ph. 0429365215.
Yours faithfully,
Phillip Smith
COME AND TRY DAY - 20 May 2018
The National Come and Try May Day held at the club on Sun. 20 May 2018 was a huge success. The event attracted 32 participants and everyone enjoyed the relaxed, friendly atmosphere our club is famous for. Expert tuition in marksmanship skills and safety tuition were paramount on the day, thanks to the attendance of James Willett and other dedicated club members in attendance. A free BBQ was on offer which proved very popular, thanks to Bruce Henshall for his cooking skills. Thanks also to the Motha family who put a lot of effort into organising the event and their assistance in running the program during the day. The club is very hopeful of attracting several new members, it was great to see whole family groups turn up at the grounds to try out the sport of clay target shooting.
The Wangaratta Clay Target Club made a generous donation on Tuesday 29th November to Mr Mike Glenister, President of the Committee of Management of the North Wangaratta Sports Recreation Reserve Group, from the proceeds of the clubs September Down The Line competition.
On behalf of the Committee of Management, Mike expressed his thanks and appreciation for the donation from the Clay Target Club. Colin Crittenden from the Clay Target Club and Reserve Committee member presented the cheque accompanied by Marg. Pullen, who represents the North Wangaratta community on this committee. Mr Nate Bartlett, President North Wangaratta Football Netball Club was unavailable for the presentation due to other commitments.
Mike explained the committee of managements intention could potentially be to use these funds for improvement of the existing playground area, possibly including purchase of fencing or contribute
towards the cost of an effective shade cloth area. He emphasised that the final decision will be made at a future meeting of the full committee.
Wangaratta Clay Target Club junior members Jack Sandral and Jacob Motha, with Tom Bilney (Cosgrove Gun Club) represented North East Vic. at the State Championships held at Echuca Clay Target Club on Sunday 12th November. The trio took out First place in the Juniors section by achieving the top score of 73/75 points.
Both Jack and Jacob are regular shooters here at Wangaratta, along with their fathers Peter Sandral and Anton Motha. Great to see the next generation coming along so well in this exciting and skilful sporting activity.
All intersted persons, including juniors (over 12 years) are encouraged to contact club vice president Brian Reid, ph 57217799 on how to get involved in clay target shooting at Wangaratta.
Galen College Students on Target - 06 September 2018
A very enthusiastic group of students from Galen College, Wangaratta all put their hands up to participate in a sports day of clay target shooting at the Wangaratta Clay Target Club.
The club was pleased to be asked to conduct and supervise the session on Wednesday 6th September.
The students had a tremendous afternoon of learning the skills involved in trap shooting, under the supervision of club members. Firearms safety was paramount on the day as well as technique with using a shot gun effectively.
Thanks to Colin Crittenden, Brian Reid, Rob Glossop and Anton Motha from the club for supervising the students on the day.
The club encourages all schools to engage their students with the sport of clay target shooting, in a safe and enjoyable atmosphere.
For more information about the clubs program in this area, contact Brian Reid ph 57217799.