McGauran Reaches New Heights
Christian McGauran should be very proud of his incredible achievement at the November 100 target 5 Stand Sporting Clay Championship on Saturday 7th. Breaking 95/100 in this most difficult of clay target disciplines is one of the best results ever recorded here.
A nice, mild day attracted more shooters to the Wangaratta complex than our October event, with several Field & Game members enjoying their first competition here. Our club is well recognized for its first class facilities and friendly and welcoming atmosphere to all competitors. The 100 target event ran smoothly, with our Bowman traps all having been expertly serviced recently by the product supplier – IntoShooting, from Shepparton.
Thanks to Neil Plumridge, Ian Auranaune, Stephen Tamme and Graham Coyle for their early trap set up in the morning. Many comments were heard during the day about the excellent array of targets thrown to suit all experience levels. Not an easy task by any means. Thanks also to club member Bruce Henshall, for once again volunteering his time to run the canteen.
Christian McGauran’s brother, Shaun, took 2nd place in A grade with a score of 81/100. Marc Connell had a win in B grade 77/100, three targets ahead of Beechworth gent. Barry Ellis 74/100. Barry is a dedicated collector of English side by sides and used his vintage Greener gun to good effect on the day. C grader Ross Winell shot extremely well for his grade returning a score of 75 out of 100, with local member Ian Auranaune in 2nd place on 69/100. Best veteran on the day was Max Gribben 72/100.
Next year the club will conduct 5 Stand competitions on the 2nd Sunday of each month, commencing 11am. The club also operates practice sessions for DTL, Skeet & Sporting Clays each Wednesday and Saturday from 1pm, excluding the 3rd Saturday of the month.