DTL November 2014

DTL Shoot - Sat. 15/11/14.
40 shooters.

10 T PS EO. - 9 Poss.

50 T. PS C/Ship.

OA & AA, Daryl Hunt 149/150,  Dallas Ball 167/169.
1st A, Gordon Twamley 148/150,  Peter Watkins 146/150.
1st B, John Hutchinson 135/150,  Steven Wozniak 133/150.
1st C, Jess Goodall 122/150,  Tom McGrath 112/150.

50 T DB C/Ship.

OA & AA, Dallas Ball 140/140,  Daryl Hunt 139/140.
1st A,  Gordon Twamley 59/60,  Brett Jory 58/60.
1st B,  John Hutchinson 50/50,  Rob. Stackhouse 47/50.
1st C,  Tom McGrath 48/50,  Bob. Foster 47/50.

High Gun - Casey Fletcher,  Best Vet - David Luelf.

2014 Champ. of Champions High Gun winner - Angelo Grassi.

Wangaratta Clay Target Club inc.

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1330 ~ 1730




1330 ~ 1730






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EFTPOS is now available for the payment of nomination fees at competitions. Practice days & the canteen will remain cash only.